Application is intended for chamber music ensembles already existing and aiming for a professional career. All invited ensembles become scholarship holders of Jeunesses Musicales Germany.
Please use the application form.
Apply before 30. April 2025. Ensembles still applying after the application deadline will receive a place on our waiting list.
Please beware of the deadline, as the jury will make their choice shortly thereafter. Only fully completed forms will be considered. The following application material is mandatory:
- curriculum vitae of the ensemble (indicating previous competitions, prizes, major concerts, recording, etc.)
- individual CVs
- recent/new video recordings of the ensemble (YouTube link) min. 15 minutes.
- a contemporary work in your repertoire is highly appreciated. The artistic director offers advices and suggestions (requested via chambermusic(at)
- Ensembles can apply to work on selected works in extended instrumentation together with the professors.
In order to validate your application, please transfer the registration fee of 30 € per person timely with you application.
A jury will select the ensembles to be invited based on their artistic potential. All applicants will receive a response by about two weeks after the deadline. There will be a waiting list from which ensembles may move up.
You will be requested to confirm your participation by transferring the accommodation fee of 390 € per person (full board).
Please transfer for every ensemble member the registration fee (30 €) until 30. April and the accommodation fee (390 €) after being admitted to
Jeunesses Musicales Deutschland
IBAN: DE 64 6735 2565 0000 4134 27
Don’t forget to indicate “ICMC 2025”, your ensemble’s name and your personal name. The registration fee is mandatory for all applicants. Only in case of course-cancellation by JMD, previously payed course fees will be fully refunded.
Cancellation policy:
For your cancellation made after the invitation we charge a cancellation fee of 75 € per person,
after 15. July 195 € (50 %) per person,
after 15. August 270 € (70 %) per person,
after 29. August 390 € (100 %) per person,
if no other ensemble from a waiting list can replace the vacancy.