"The most beautifull and impressive instruments should always be as unique as the players who perform with them"
Following this motto has been one of the guidelines in the many years Julia Jostes and Simon Eberl are making instruments. Each instrument is made with the historical backround of the great Italian Makers and combined with the possibilities of modern times and a contemporary vision of sound to create aesthetical and tonal outstanding and unique instruments.
In 2016 they established their own workshop in the old part of the city of Lübeck. Since then they focus mainly on making high class stringed instruments which have been awarded several times, last at the renowned violin competition of the VSA (violin society of America) in Los Angeles where their quartet was awarded with a Gold Medal and their Cello got a Silver Medal. Also they have been invited repeatedly as guests at the annual Klanggestalten exhibition and they are frequent participants of the famous Oberlin workshop in the US as well as co-organizers of the Violin Making Workshop in Brandenburg.
Besides Newmaking they also take care of small repairs and restaurations and focus a lot on sound adjustments for Cellos, violins and violas.